The Internal Company
Podcast Delivery Platform

Communicate with your staff in the place where they already spend time: their podcast apps. Supporting Cast delivers your show only to the people who are meant to hear it.

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Our partners

Targeted, secure & convenient

A Superior Employee Onboarding UX

We make it incredibly simple for employees to get protected podcasts into their existing podcast listening apps with a couple of taps. Try it out.

Measure Audience Engagement

Track listening behavior by episode for each employee to measure engagement, verify compliance, and assess long term impacts on retention and employee satisfaction.

As Secure as You Need

Communicate with confidence—our platform monitors each user's listening and automatically stops serving content that's been shared. We also provide two-factor authentication and single sign-on integration for maximum peace of mind.

Production Support

Our platform was built by Slate, the podcasters behind Slow Burn and other hit shows. We can advise on everything from content strategy to technical gear. We can even help produce your show.

What people are saying

“Supporting Cast has developed powerful solutions that meet our unique needs and maximize audience engagement for our internal “More Than Soap” podcasts. The Supporting Cast technology provides P&G employees with a frictionless listener experience conveniently on their phones, without the need to install any new apps.”

— Dorion Positano, Director of Innovation and Host of P&G’s Internal Podcast

Supporting Cast has been a collaborative partner in launching The Odell Co-Worker Podcast — from set up through user support to data analysis. A seamless process from day one.

— Jessica Hawkins, Podcast Director, Odell Brewing Company

“This is the first product I’ve found that truly meets the needs of companies who want to make it easy for employees to listen to an internal podcast. The simple and secure listener subscription process finally enables private podcasts to live alongside other shows across different listening apps.”

— Brian Keller, Former host of Dropbox's Employee Podcast

Deliver Your message as a podcast

Communicate with your staff in the place where they already spend time: their podcast players. Supporting Cast delivers your message only to the people who are meant to hear it.

All-hands meetings

Enable members of your staff who aren't able to join company meetings to catch up on what's new.

Skills trainings

A self-paced podcast series can deliver the knowledge and skills your team needs to better do their jobs.

Staff interviews

Break down silos and foster collaboration by letting staff know what their colleagues in other departments are working on.

Employee sensitivity trainings

Help staff learn to respect and consider their peers' perspectives via an intimate, non-threatening medium.

C-suite messages

Let employees know what their leadership team is thinking about and how their work fits into the broader company mission.

New hire onboarding

Help new staff become familiar company culture, norms, and systems by hearing from both HR and their colleagues.

Request a demo

We’d love to give you a demo and show you how Supporting Cast can deepen your relationship with listeners while bringing in substantially more revenue.