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A New Way to Sell & Distribute Audiobooks

Sell and distribute audiobooks directly to your audience — as a one-time purchase, audiobook club subscription, gift card, or in bulk across your company — all through one powerful platform. Listeners can access exclusive content in the podcast apps already installed on their phone.

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How It Works


Listeners use their existing podcast apps, including Apple & Spotify, to securely access audiobooks — no need to install a new app.


An easy two tap onboarding experience with no username or password to remember.


Apple Pay and Google Pay make mobile payments a breeze.


Integrate with existing websites, registrations, or payment systems to offer a seamless, secure, and branded user experience.

Sell Audiobooks Directly to Consumers

You’ve built an audience — now bypass the middlemen by selling direct. Our platform allows publishers, authors, and other rights-holders to easily distribute audiobooks through the podcast apps customers already use. Connect your Stripe account to sell through us or sell yourself and we’ll handle fulfillment.

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Host an Audiobook club

Monetize your loyal following by launching a curated audiobook-of-the-month club, where a new audiobook magically appears on their phone each month. Provide exclusive content and discussions around each book to enhance the experience.

Physical Audiobook Cards

Offer a unique gift option with BookPass, our physical audiobook card format. Customers can open the card, scan the QR code, and instantly access the audiobook via their podcast app. Bookpass cards can be distributed at author events, conferences, live shows, or company meetings.

Learn more about Audiobook Cards
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Corporate or Club Bulk Sales

Help your team stay informed and engaged by offering them access to a specific audiobook or to our curated library. Bulk purchase options and single-sign-on integration make it easy to distribute to your entire organization.

Get Audiobooks for your Team

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We’d love to give you a demo and show you how Supporting Cast can deepen your relationship with listeners while bringing in substantially more revenue.